放假! Vacation
It's that time of the year they say to overindulge. People wolf down the turkey and gobble down all the side dishes. Then supposedly they get overweight from this. There is also that documentry about fast food restaurants and obesity in America Supersize Me, but as usual I have a different take on these things.
Rather than blaming that extra helping of turkey or the Golden Arches, not that I like fast food restaurants, but a lot of the blame lies in sheer laws of physics. What goes in must be put out. It's personal responsibility to walk places and to be active.
Rather than driving just to get across the street, people could walk! Many people will take an elevator to go down one floor. I was reading a Hong Kong newspaper some time ago (星島日報 I think) and it had a nice article which illustrated this point. Hong Kong, like most cities in East Asia, is quite walkable and though a few individuals are dumb enough to drive, most sensibly walk. They eat a lot of good food, but many stay thin. A reporter asked a good question of why people in America refuse to walk or take public transportation anywhere and then pay to get exercise in a gym. Why not exercise by walking for free?
Rather than sitting in front of a computer typing out a blog, why not...well let's not go there.
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