A Cross-Cultural Family 跨文化的家庭

The adventures of an American / Chinese, Chinese-speaking family.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Friends that Stay 留在這邊!

It’s always sad when we get to know someone, especially a really nice brother 兄弟 or sister 姐妹 in Christ, and then they leave for a job elsewhere. I understand, because we go back and forth to different places. Also, that is the nature of careers that sometimes span countries, but it’s still hard to say goodbye for the long term 捨不得. Well, we don’t have to do that with this couple. We are happy that the husband got a job not too far away so we will be able to visit them.

On other news with this couple, they have a new baby 兩個月 in this photo. Like most babies, she seems to look like the mother one week and her father the next week. In these photos she is actually looking a lot more like her grandmother 像她的外婆.


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