Papaya Tree 木瓜樹
This is the latest addition to our yard, a papaya tree! This one is a special kind that is self-fruiting and will bear seedless 無核的 papayas.
I have always liked papayas ever since I was a little kid. I remember we went as a family to Hawaii when I was about 8 years old. Every day for breakfast I had delicious fresh tree-ripened papaya 很喜歡吃新鮮的木瓜 with lemon juice 檸檬汁squeezed on it. I liked it so much that I came home with a box of papayas that didn’t taste quite as good because they were picked green.
As an adult and able to buy my own fruit in the stores, I discovered that I could almost replicate that original taste by buying the ripest 最熟的, almost rotten 差不多腐壞的, store-bought papayas but I realize they are not the same as those that are ripened on the tree.
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