We’re Back! 回來了
We’re back for another year of fun and Photoshop at Cross-Cultural Family blog! Just thought I’d start the year off the right way with a short recap of our Christmas / New Year and some brief thoughts. This first photo here is of our Christmas Eve. We spent it with our home group 小組 at church going out to sing Christmas carols 聖誕歌 and reading Bible passages at homes in the neighborhood. These are the females of our group showing off the cake we sampled beforehand.

The next day we spent at home with my parents. This is a photo my father took. Our younger son is the one who got the most fun presents. Clothes are nice but I always like toys 玩具 better when I was a little kid. He got all sorts of trains to play with, but no trash trucks. For some reason, he loves trash trucks and points them out on the road whenever we see them, “trash truck, trash truck” but for some reason they’re just not popular as toys. His nicest train, a Thomas train, runs really well on a wooden track with just one AA battery 電池.
New Years we spent at a prayer meeting at our

church 跨年禱告會 that went from ’06 to ’07, sorry no photos of that. It’s nice way to ring in the New Year and orient our priorities with those of God. I got a first chance to carry the baby of a friend of ours. They are really light when they start out. The next day we took off for a distant hot springs where we stayed at a Korean hot springs resort 韓國人辦的溫泉. They had more than 15 pools 水池 of different types and temperatures. There are few things quite like swimming in a hot spring outside on a warm January evening with the palm trees waving and the moon and stars shining brightly down. This photo is of sunset in the area.
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