Mud Volcanoes 泥土火山
I always love the end results of seismic activity: volcanoes 火山, tall mountains 高山, hot springs 溫泉, geysers 噴水泉, etc. even if I don’t enjoy the danger of earthquakes. (I’ve never been stuck in a volcanic explosion, so I can’t speak for them.) The regions that are “rims of fire,” (火和平的圓環) such as the Pacific rim and the Mediterranean, are so much more interesting than the boring, flat and often cold regions of the world I grew up in. I guess one has to take the good

We visited mud volcanoes. There is mud burping and belching up from the geothermal depths of near the shores of an inland sea. There is supposed to be magma 熔岩 just a few thousand feet below the ground. It is quite an impressive site to see. In this first photo, I captured the mud bubbling up in the crater. In the other photo, you can see that thoughtfire mom has climbed to the lofty summit 母親爬到了泥土火山的山峰上 of another such mud volcano with her granddaughter. There was a lot of sulpher smell here, reminding me a little of the sulpherous fumeroles 噴氣坑 at Yangming Mountain 陽明山 in Taiwan.