A Cross-Cultural Family 跨文化的家庭

The adventures of an American / Chinese, Chinese-speaking family.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Grandfather’s 80th Birthday 爺爺80歲的生日

I’m getting caught up, well not really caught up but better than I was. This took place earlier in October.

My father seems as healthy as ever 還是很健康, having also had a child later in life than most in his generation so he now is enjoying grandchildren later in life than most in his generation. Our little son especially likes him 小兒子很喜歡他, making sure he sits by grandfather’s side while watching television.

The meal turned out quite well this year despite some initial worry about whether we could get the right type of lobster. Among other things, we had a large lobster and lots of raw sea urchin and steamed clams (龍蝦, 蛤蜊, 生海膽..大飽口福!).
It’s always frustrating when people make stupid expressions, especially when I am that person. In the one photo, I made a stupid expression 古怪的表情. In the other photo I took, my father (the birthday boy) was out of focus 在另外一張, 爺爺不清楚. So, instead of admitting my mistake for posterity I am cutting the two photos in half to show you.