….or “my trash truck is bigger than his fire truck.” “我的垃圾車比他的消防車大! We never really change. From the time we are little toddlers we frequently compare ourselves with others to make ourselves feel good, or maybe to make ourselves feel bad. As adults we just don’t talk about it out loud. Little children, on the other hand, will say whatever they are thinking.
We visited friends whose son is the same age as our younger son 差不多一樣大. They played

We received a nice gift there. The wife, who is from Taiwan, planted a certain type of Taiwanese Concord grape 巨蜂葡萄 that is really good tasting. I remember we had a great cup of fresh grape juice made from these grapes on a hot humid, Keelung evening 回想到我們在基隆的路邊攤喝了新鮮巨蜂葡萄汁, 真好喝! For one reason or another they did not want the grapes they had so painstakingly grown, so we thankfully and gratefully provided them a good home.
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