How Did I Get to China? 為什麼流在中國
It's an interesting question that was asked on a discussion board I was recently reading. Why do people leave everything, pack up and go from home to another country in the world 離開故鄉? More specifically on this site, they were interested in how did people decide that they wanted to live in China? On resumes lives seem to be a tidy progression from one logical step to another, but reality is often much different.
I always did have an interest in China, but I was interested in many parts of the world. I certainly loved my course in Indian civilization 印度文化課 in college, and the dinners made by the husband and wife team that taught the course. They brought their whole family over to India for a year at a time every couple of years during their sabbatical year. I also took a year of Spanish 西班牙語, but I made a decision not to pursue it further though I really enjoyed my Peruvian 秘魯 instructor.
No, for me it was opportunity and laziness. My last year of college I applied to an internship program overseas teaching English and got accepted for a year contract一年的合同in Taiwan. I had an opportunity for a two year position 兩年的合同 in Japan, but having taken a semester of Chinese and being commitment phobic 承諾恐懼 at the time, this was not an option for me. It was either the internship in Taiwan or accept a position with a major public relations firm in Chicago. Not quite ready for the American corporate world yet, and more subzero winters, I decided on Taiwan and the journey that would change my life quite .