Our Home in Guangzhou 廣州的家
Some people think of houses or specific buildings or even a piece of land when they think of a home, but I agree with those who say that home is where you make it. It is the sound of a family moving around, making noise or even just perhaps a place where you come back to where you don't have to move on. It's that feeling that everyone needs 歸屬感, whether they live in a 5 bedroom house or a room with a bathroom attached不管是山莊或小房間.
Well, these are some photos of our home in

Guangzhou. In the first photo, our children are playing with a toy doctor's set 玩具聽診器 we bought for our daughter in the living room. It was a nice place and very clean. We have a daily ritual at the end of the day of climbing up the stairs, taking a shower one after another and then sitting down to slice up whatever fresh fruits are in the market (新疆西瓜, 山竹, 黃皮) for a late night snack. Read some bible stories and watch some Mandarin or Cantonese drama / cartoon before heading off to sleep in the night.
Toys are very cheap in Guangzhou and it is fun shopping around in their toy district 海珠廣場.

We also bought radio-powered toys for our sons. Our little one got a radio-powered car and the older one a radio-powered helicopter 無線電 控制系統, which you can see in the 3rd photo. The 2nd photo is a hand-held shot taken at night near the Pearl River 珠江 in a nearby district. No one can say Olympus DSLRs don't take good photos in low light!
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