中秋節2: 包餃子 Moon Festival 2: Dumpling Rolling
On Saturday night we met with our friends from our cell group at church and had a dumpling rolling party before our weekly meeting. Dumpling rolling is one of those things I have never been good at. 我笨手笨腳. One will be big, another small. Sometimes I'll put too much filling in and sometimes too little....but the ones I rolled were all eaten up. Like sushi rolling, I'm just not coordinated enough to do it well, but they do

The meeting was great. We had a good time of sharing 分享 of bible verses and stories, going over last week's message 信息 and prayer 祈禱 that just seemed to fit together with what was happening in our lives. Bad things such as a death in the family and good things such as births have happened to those in our group, but through it all we are trusting in the Lord and people in our midst are coming to faith in Christ. This no doubt was what the 1st century church experienced.

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