Fishing 釣魚
My apologies for the lapse in posting. I know that several of you have emailed asking when we are starting again. We've been away for pretty much all summer and I've been finishing some projects. But we are back!!
I'll gradually fill you in on some of the things we did over the summer but first things first. We caught our first fish! Two trout 兩條鱒魚which we pan fried that very evening.
I know some of you out there are thinking, no problem! Fishing is easy. "I've done it with my (usually fathers) since I was 6 years old." Well, I didn't. Not that we didn't do many things together when I was little, but it just wasn't in the history of our family.
We learned 2 things about fishing. It takes patience, whether fishing for prawns蝦 in the night markets 夜市 of Taiwan or large ocean fish out on the deep sea. We also learned that we need to go where the fish are. I had to put that pole right in the middle of a school of fish before they would bite, but they did bite.
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