I admit. I am not a name brand type of guy. 我承認,我不瞭解名牌 To me, my type of name brand is the equivalent of (for American readers) Payless Shoes and 99 Cent store. I just don’t see the point of them. Especially in fashion, name brands are exactly the same as some lesser known brand. My wife disagrees.
Asian cultures tend to be name brand conscious for public products that are shown to each other. As the economy of Mainland China has improved, it has jumped right into the name brand fashion craze. In this spirit, my wife was recently researching the best name brand eyeglass frames 太太研究了名牌眼鏡框, which I could not help her with since I did not even know there were name brand eyeglass frames.
My daughter’s ballet school has a group of fairly affluent Chinese housewives who are nice people and interesting to watch interact as a group. My wife was listening as they were discussing expensive name brand purses they had bought and what a good investment they were. “They can only go up in value,” one young woman chirpily said. “I’ve bought several.” 女兒芭蕾舞的班家庭主婦講說了人家應該把名牌皮包當作
投資來看 My wife asked her a question about which name brand eyeglasses were best and received a patient explanation of the kind a child might receive when asking the first time about table manners.
(Like Chevy Nova or "no go" in Mexico, the name brand in the photo needs a little more careful thought if they're going to market cross-culturally.)