Serving the Homeless 事工
Yesterday, we had a wonderful time organizing an outing of friends from church to go down to the homeless ministry run by Amy Wang 王愛敏 and supported by various Chinese Christian groups. We bought food and organized hot lunches to hand out to (炸雞, 沙拉, 吐司, 等) them. Since it was Mothers Day there were quite a few other groups down there handing out food in the daytime down there as well. I met and had a pleasant talk with a couple handing out flyers for an event for the homeless at their church. A couple who were home-schooling friends of ours

I have written about homelessness and culture in an earlier post so I won’t go into it in detail here, but I will say that the homeless ministry that Amy Wang and a small band of Chinese Christians run is quite interesting. Her ministry is grown from her faith in the Lord (Taiwan, Mainland China, Philippines) in the face of all sorts of circumstances 在各種情況下她都依靠神. She faced arrest for sharing her faith and led her would be captors to faith in Christ. The tents blew away from their moorings and she clung to them trusting God would not want her sharing of the Word interrupted. Most exciting is her really testimony of how she came to faith in Christ, from homeless to servant of the Lord 她以前也是無家可歸的, which I’ll leave you to read if you are interested
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