Daughter’s Birthday! 女兒的生日
Recently, we celebrated our daughter’s birthday 3 times 三次! The first time was at our small group at church 第一次是在我們教會的小組 on Saturday night, where we bought at chocolate cakes at Beard Papa and a crème brulèe at a local French bakery. Beard Papa is a bakery chain from Japan that specializes in puffs 泡夫. They do a good job at puffs, not as good as the all-you-can-eat puff chain our friends in Taiwan visit, but good enough. For me though, chocolate is the

The 2nd time was with grandpa 爺爺 and grandma 奶奶who like most grandparents like to spoil their grandchildren. They brought over several presents and we went out for dim sum 飲茶. The 3rd time was in the park with her home school friends. No cake or presents but she had fun with her friends anyway.
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