Little Emperor 小皇帝
Here's our little 21st century emperor showing his true character. We did not dress him up this way. He decided on his own and dressed himself in his proper role as little emperor of the household. In this 2nd photo, he is demonstrating his early love for photography, like his father and grandfather. He is also the official baby of our cell group at church, though new ones are due to arrive in the not-too-distant future. He was born the week we first arrived there and in fact at the church. I am about to accompany him to a sort of "Daddy and me," class even though he's too young to know what is going on. Ok, so we have kid posts, but not pet posts!

Speaking of emperors, we are really enjoying that drama about the Three Kingdoms period 三國
時代 in China. It starts at the end of the Han Dynasty, as it is crumbling and different generals pretend to be "protectors" of the emperor while gathering power for themselves. One of the most capable of these Cao Cao 曹操 is a famous general who is generally portayed as evil. There is even a saying with his name, 說曹操曹操就到 that means 'speak of the devil,' or literally 'speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be there.' Fortunately this drama does not have this type of one dimensional portrayal of him.

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