Lunar New Year Housewarming Party 新年新房聚會
Yes, it’s a Lunar New Year housewarming party! Friends of ours have recently gotten married and moved into a nice townhouse, so our cell group at church joined them to celebrate. It is a nice newer 2 story townhouse with space downstairs for a living room and people to meet and the bedrooms upstairs.
Notice there were people from 3 generations and sometimes as many as 4 generations there. One couple was especially well equipped to enter the

A nice tradition is to wish everyone some sort of good things or blessings at the New Year. So, we all took turns doing that in our own way. Then we played a group game that appealed to our people of all ages, with different movements that one person changes and the others follow. The person in the middle must guess who is the ‘leader,’ changing the movements. Our daughter did a good job of being the leader in one of the

We also saw a very moving story on a television program 請聽我說(which if you click on the hypertext you can see it too in streaming video 網路串流影音with a high speed connection) that was produced by people we know. Then people that who wished to do so shared about past experiences they had….a story-telling time. Of course there was lots of good food. It was a pot luck dinner and someone provided what is everyone’s favorite, strawberries dipped into melting chocolate.
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