遊輪 Cruise
Sorry about not making any posts for the past couple of days but we just got back from a cruise early this morning. Now, I’m not really a cruise person. I will say I really enjoyed the cruise and I had some great experiences during our time, which I will relate over the next few posts, but my wife and I prefer to fly to vacation spots. This is not a small difference in the way to view vacation time.
For us, the destination is the goal. When we think of spending time in another part of the world, we normally enjoy most the time spent in that place. Since we are a bicultural family to begin with, exploring and understanding another culture is fun.
On the other hand, with cruises the fun is in the travel to the destination. As airlines seem to get stingier and stingier with their service, cruise lines seem quite lavish in almost everything they provide…at a price of course.
This cruise for us, was just not any normal cruise. It has a cross-cultural angle, which I’m sure you’ll enjoy so stop back after I get a good night’s sleep. This photo is our daughter with the mother of a friend of ours.
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