Lazy Sunday Afternoon at the Beach 冬天的下午在沙灘
My wife took our little one to visit a friend out in the east today after church, so I went with our 2 older ones to the beach. For some reason digging is popular right now with them. You can see here in the 1st photo they are imitating a dog digging a hole for a bone, which of course I don’t really know if they do since I’ve never had a dog but that’s what I have heard. The other 2 photos are a nice one of a sailboat and the pier.

Some areas of the Chinese world have really nice coastlines. They are very beautiful. In Taiwan, I can think of the East Coast, which is dotted with such beautiful islands as Orchid Island 蘭嶼 or Green Island 綠島. The scenery is spectacular though a little dangerous as our friend demonstrated for us driving up the East Coast highway, speeding past cement trucks overlooking a beautiful 1000 or 2000 foot drop into the

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