Cross-Cultural Marriage 跨文化夫婦
This is my wife trying to get ready to go out to our friend’s house while I am annoying her here by taking photos of her. This is seconds before I am given two large containers to take down to the car and make myself useful. Since she always looks pretty, I can’t think of a better subject to use tonight.
For all you single friends, family and lurkers out there, some advice about choosing a spouse. Cross-cultural relationships can be wonderful, but you must love your spouse’s culture as well as your spouse. I speak from this perspective because I love both in my marriage, as you can see from this website and we have a great relationship.
Cross-cultural relationships are great in that they bring a fresh perspective into a relationship. I think that growing up in a culture we get used to the idea that our way is the only way. It’s not the much talked about intolerance that we hear bandied about but just we don’t know anything different. We may really know our way well, but really be 井底之蛙. Cross-cultural relationships help us to see an entirely different way of doing things and provide the option to pick and choose which way is best. They also provide lots of variety and excitement as I am still discovering in my marriage. Stay tuned for the next post while I talk of the 3 patterns I see in cross-cultural relationships.
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