I always admire the fearlessness and energy of Korean Christians. I met a Korean woman today who seemed kind of sleepy....well, actually she was sleeping in a public place. When she opened her eyes a bit I asked her why she was sleeping in the middle of the day and she told me her schedule of activities that she was involved in.
Like many of her friends, she gets up at 5:00 in the morning for an hour of prayer. (As an evening person, I personally feel that if God had meant for people to see the sunrise it would have been later in the day...but I digress.) Then she exercises an hour before breakfast. During the day she is involved in church planting activities all of the time except for an hour or so for siesta after lunch. After dinner she is at Bible study with her friends until 11 or 12 at night. She is not alone. I know a Korean man, a friend, who just wanders around this area planting churches. When he plants one, he leaves and goes someplace else to start another.
I had the real pleasure once of spending overnight at Prayer Mountain 禱 告 山 run by Koreans. It is literally a mountain out of which there are little caves. They have doors on the caves, and one can see shoes outside of the doors in the evening. Koreans, like most peoples of East Asia, take their shoes off indoors. The combination of corporate prayer, individual prayer and Bible study overnight was a special experience.
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