Learning Written Chinese Language
Today's lesson boys and girls is about why I think Chinese written language is easier than English after the 1st 2000 or so characters. Once someone has gotten to this level, most words are the combination of one or more of these basic characters. They are very easy to learn and remember.
Take the terms for flowers. Now, ask me the term for a flower in English and I probably won't know, but I know quite a few in Chinese simply because they are easy to remember. What is easier to stick in those neural pathways: 'mountain,' 'tea' and 'flower' / or 'Rhodadendran'?
My Chinese friends ask me about flower names all the time, assuming I know much more than I do. (Shhh, let's not tell anyone.) My great aunt knew lots of them, she planted flowers everywhere. Somehow I did not inherit her green thumb, which is why I stick to planting fruit trees with automatic watering...but I digress.
For any of you out there who know at least basic Chinese, or maybe Japanese also write it this way, this is another good example. Once you know the definition of this word, accordian, it is easy to remember.
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