Tonight, we introduced the practice and origin of American Halloween to recently arrived internationals. There is a lot of interesting mishmash of pagan and Catholic history behind that childhood fun of trick or treating (bread in return for prayer for the dead) and apple bobbing (Roman practice related to the Goddess of Pomona).
Then we talked about some very real and interesting spiritual realities introduced by a missionary on furlough from overseas. In one story, he related that 95% of people in the part of the world where he was stationed have had the experience at some point in their lives of having a 'dark man' come in and hold them down and try to smother them. Some people from close to that area (not Christians) agreed that they had this experience as well.
The Chinese equivalent 鬼 節 or 'ghost holiday' is not exactly the same as American Halloween, though some do make the comparison. It's in summertime and it's not supposed to be scary. It is supposed to be for ghosts supposedly visiting here for a bit.
As for our family, we often paa the evening in traditional American style with live catfish hotpot and lobster sashimi while giving out candies -dentists no doubt love this holiday- and storytelling to visiting trick or treaters. This year we will go to our church which has a wonderful harvest festival of games, candy, real food and music.
And now...oh no! There's a giant baby attacking out there. Well, look for yourself.

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