We’re online again 電腦修好了
My hard drive is back and running. After having lost the use of my PC for a while due to some nasty malware problems 惡意軟體的問題, I realize just how dependent I am on it 很依靠電腦. I can live without television 不需要電視. I can live without the radio 不需要收音機. I can even live without telephones 連電話也不需要, but don’t take away my PC. Always back up. Always back up. Always back up.

Fortunately, all of my photos were saved so I’ll have some interesting things to share with you in the coming weeks. These are the crop of persimmons 柿子 we picked from our tree 我們家裡擇的水果. It doesn’t look like a big tree, but as you can see, it yielded a lot. Persimmons are wonderful fruits that last for a long time after picking. They are also good when they are dried. My wife peels the skin 太太喜歡剝皮, but as a barbarian I prefer just to bite into the whole fruit.